Whether You Are On Vacation, At Work Or At A Sporting Event, Protecting Your Home Is Crucial.

Below, are some tips that can help you prevent your house from being burglarized.

Make sure your doors have deadbolts or heavy-duty strike plates.
Don’t leave your garage door openers in an unlocked car.
Keep the outside of your home well lit, as criminals prefer to operate in the dark.
Don’t leave spare keys in obvious places such as under the door mat, on the top of the door frame or under nearby flower pots. Click here for unexpected places to hide a spare key or see if you have a trustworthy neighbor to hold onto one

Create the illusion that you are home. Break-ins usually occur in the middle of the day when it appears no one is there. A house sitter or neighbor should check on your home sporadically, turn some lights on and make sure your house is not completely unattended. Be sure to have them get the mail and newspapers, as these piled up would be a clear giveaway you are out of town.
Ensure every window and door closes properly and that they are all locked before leaving the house.
Do not broadcast your trip online. Wait until you are home to post photos or status’s to social media.
Don’t change anything major. If you usually leave blinds or curtains open, don’t shut them before you leave.
Try to leave a car in the driveway. See if you can get a ride to the airport or take a cab.

The best way to protect your home is to invest in a
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