‘Tis The Season For Trick Or Treating!
Here are tips on how to be safe and how to protect your home from ghosts & goblins

Decorating Safety
- Love to decorate your entryway with candles for the holiday? If so, make sure there is NO open flame risk. Halloween costumes can make children very vulnerable to hazards. Battery-operated candles are safest!
- Do not overload extension cords
- Remove or highlight any tripping hazards
- Create a well-lit path

Safety With Children
- Remind them that even though they can clearly see an approaching vehicles headlight, it’s very difficult for drivers to see pedestrians at night
- Follow the sidewalk. Stay on one side of the street at a time
- Examine all treats before eating. Never eat if they look opened. Do not eat homemade treats
- Always use crosswalks to get across the street
- Never trick-or-treat alone
- Always walk from house to house. Never run! It’s very difficult for drivers to see pedestrians at night
- Bright colors, reflective tape, flashlights & hands-free glow sticks are all good ideas to keep children safe and visible in the dark
- Do your trick-or-treaters have food allergies? If so, be aware of homes with teal pumpkins, signifying non-food trinkets or toys for your little ones. Learn more about The Teal Pumpkin Project.

Don’t Forget About Your Pets
- Be sure to keep them safely away from the busy front door
- Ringing doorbells & oddly dressed humans can be a stressful event for pups. Give them a safe place in the house to relax
- Be sure to keep their snout out of the Halloween candy. Sugar and chocolate can wreak havoc on their sensitive stomachs.

Utilize Your Virtual Keypad App
The virtual keypad app is a way to control your alarm system from your smartphone.
- Automate your lights
- Arm & Disarm your system
- Lock your doors
- Check your cameras
- Set schedules for older children with curfews. The app allows them to “check in”
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